The Sea vs. The Land – Who Will Triumph? 2024 Hochstetter Lecture

Speaker: Dave Barrell

Date: Tuesday, 24 September 2024, 6pm

Venue: Pacific Surf Club (26 Marine Parade, Bluff Hill, Napier)

Admission: Gold coin donation

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We invite you to join us for an insightful lecture presented by the 2024 Hochstetter Lecturer, David Barrell of GNS Science. This talk will delve into the dynamic relationship between Aotearoa New Zealand’s land and sea, exploring the ongoing battle between tectonic forces that raise the land and the ocean waves that relentlessly erode it. With a focus on Zealandia’s geological, tectonic, and landscape evolution, David will provide a ‘whole system’ perspective on how these powerful natural forces have shaped our diverse coastline over millennia and will continue to do so in the future, particularly in light of climate change.

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David Barrell is a highly respected scientist at GNS Science, with extensive experience in studying the geological and tectonic processes of Aotearoa New Zealand. As the 2024 Hochstetter Lecturer, he brings a wealth of knowledge and a deep passion for understanding the complexities of our landscape. Through his research and years of rigorous observations, David has contributed significantly to the scientific community’s understanding of Zealandia’s evolution. His lecture promises to be both thought-provoking and enlightening, offering valuable insights into the forces that have shaped, and continue to shape, our environment.