Speaker: Professor Jason Ingham, University of Auckland
Date: Thursday, 15 February 2024, 5:30pm (Door open from 5pm)
Venue: National Aquarium of New Zealand, 546 Marine Parade, Napier
Admission: Gold coin donation

The 1931 Hawke’s Bay Earthquake Commemoration Lecture, presented by the Hawke’s Bay Branch of the Royal Society Te Apārangi, is a pivotal event that delves into the Art Deco heritage of Hawke’s Bay. This year’s lecture holds special significance as it revisits and updates the insightful discussion led by Professor Jason Ingham a decade ago, in 2014.
Highlighting the resilience and beauty of the region’s Art Deco architecture, this lecture will also shed light on recent advancements in the assessment and upgrading of buildings for earthquake preparedness, particularly relevant to Hawke’s Bay.

We are pleased to have Professor Jason Ingham from the University of Auckland return as our speaker. Renowned for his expertise in structural engineering and seismic assessment, Professor Ingham’s work is crucial in preserving and reinforcing the historical structures that define our region. His research is an integral part of understanding and protecting our architectural heritage against natural disasters.