The 139th Annual General Meeting of the Branch was held at 7.00 pm Thursday 20 June at the Hawke’s Bay Holt Planetarium, Chambers St, Napier. It was chaired by Dan Bloomer.
- The Minutes of the 138th AGM were taken as read and passed unanimously.
- Retiring President Jeff Reid was absent. His report was read to the meeting and accepted. Dan thanked Jeff in his absence for his very significant work and achievement during his tenure as Branch President.
- The treasurer’s report was presented by Jennifer Hartley. Branch accounts had already been circulated to members. They were proposed by the treasurer and passed unanimously.
- Dan Bloomer was elected as President
- Lynne Trafford was re-elected as Vice-President
- Jennifer Hartley, Michael Broadbent and Jenny Dee were re-elected to Council. Antony Steiner was elected to the Council.
- The Annual subscription remains at $20.
- Willis Dark retired from Council after a number of years as a member. Willis was thanked for his commitment and activities over the time of his involvement and asked to forward the Branch’s thanks to the Faraday Centre members that hosted Branch meetings in recent years.
The AGM closed at 7:25pm and was followed by a lecture from Dr Vincent Bus.