The 140th AGM of the Hawke’s Bay Branch of the Royal Society of New Zealand was held at 7.00 PM, 26 June at the Holt Planetarium, Chambers St, Napier.
The meeting was chaired by Jeff Reid, the Immediate Past President as President Dan Bloomer (among others) was unable to be present.
Minutes of the 139th AGM had previously been circulated to members. These were unanimously accepted as a true record.
The President’s report was read and approved. It included special thanks to the Secretary and Treasurer and to Lloyd Beech who retired from Council during the year. The Branch offered many high quality lectures during the year, and has continued to develop links with others groups such as IPENZ and the Astronomy Society, and with the National Aquarium, Holt Planetarium and their respective staff. During the year, Council reinforced its mission to encourage the community to cherish science, technology and culture. We have determined a particular role with school students and have explored a number of initiatives to encourage them in following science and technology careers. The full President’s Report was sent to all Branch members.
The Treasurer’s report showed the Branch to be in good financial health. The accounts had been independently reviewed, previously circulated to members and were accepted as accurately indicating the financial position of the Branch.
The following were elected unopposed to serve the Branch for the 2014-5 year:
- President: Dan Bloomer
- Vice President: Lynne Trafford
- Council Members: Carol Larson, Garth Eyles, Ian Maxwell
- One vacancy remains.
- Remaining on Council, having served for one year of their two year term:
- Council Members: Michael Broadbent, Jennifer Hartley, Antony Steiner
- The Immediate Past President, Jeff Reid, remains a member of Council.
A new Accounts Reviewer remains to be appointed.
Annual Subscriptions remain at $20
The meeting closed at 7:20pm to be followed by a presentation by Elf Eldridge, Victoria University